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Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Prepare Home Cooked Food for Your Dog

If you have some interest in preparing food for your pet at home this article includes a step by step guide on how to prepare wholesome nutritious home cooked meals even when you are in a rush. There is a simple recipe which serves as a good guide.


Prepare Home Cooked Food for Your Dog Step 1.jpg

1 Purchase the following ingredients:

  • Grains choice, 3 cups (Choose 1): White rice, Whole Long Grain Brown rice, oatmeal, or barley.
  • Vegetables (Choose a few kinds, and mix and match for variety):cauliflower, celery, any green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach), carrots, yam/sweet potatoes, peas.
  • Protein (Choose 1) 400 grams: Chicken, Lamb, Beef, Venison or Kangaroo.

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2 Rule of thumb: 40% protein, 30% grain, 30% vegetables

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Put some olive oil in your pot and cook meats.

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4 Cook rice (or any grain choice).

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5 Pulp or chop finely the vegetables for easy absorption.

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6 When meats are almost cooked, add the pulped vegetables into the pot.

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7 Do not overcook the vegetables. Keep them half raw.

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8 Add 3 eggs and cook with the vegetables in the pot to make the food more palatable.

NOTE: If you want to learn more recipes for dog food click here.

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